Annie - 3rd Year Radiography Student

Annie - 3rd Year Radiography Student

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Which year of Medical Imaging/Radiography are studying?
I am going into my 3rd year in 2024.
Why did you decide to study Imaging?
After high school I originally wanted to study Medicine, so I started studying a Bachelor of Science at Melbourne University. In my first semester I realised that Medicine was not the pathway for me, and so I thought I would try an Engineering subject in my second. Although I enjoyed it, I could not see myself as an Engineer in the long run. At the time, a friend of mine was studying Radiography and hearing her talk about it was really interesting. I researched the course and the streams of medical imaging and decided that I would give it a go. I am really glad that I decided to study Medical Imaging, and have enjoyed the course so far.

What have you enjoyed the most about placements you have been on so far?
My favourite part about my previous placements have been interacting with different patients. Learning at university is great and I can gain a lot of knowledge on paper, but being in the healthcare environment and interacting with patients reminds me  of what the job is really about. Providing patients with high quality care and just conversating with them is a highlight of my previous placements. 
How did you prepare for your first placement?
I printed out the assessments that I needed to get done and the forms I needed to be filled out. I also brought a notebook and Bontrager's Radiography handbook in case I wanted to write notes or quickly check the positioning for a certain view. 
How were you feeling before your first placement?
I was very nervous! I was very worried about leaving a bad first impression.

How were you feeling on the last day of your most recent placement?
I felt proud of myself for completing the placement and doing well in all my assessments. 

What do you think changed in between?
I think I gained more confidence as I continued to go on more placements. I was very nervous during my first placement and found it challenging to engage in conversation with patients whilst positioning them for the x-ray. I feel a lot more confident in my abilities and skills now, so it is a lot easier to talk to the patient at the same time.

Do you have any advice for first years who haven’t been on placement yet?
Just be enthusiastic and eager to learn. Even if you're not super confident yet, if you just try and give everything a go, you will leave a good impression and improve your skills.

What is the most valuable advice you have been given so far since you’ve been studying? Either on placement or at university?
Give everything a try, and even if you make a mistake, it will still be a great learning opportunity!

Is there a specific area/modality of radiography that you are looking forward to working in? Why?
I am very interested in learning about CT. I believe it is a very important imaging modality and I would like to know more about how it works!

Is there anything else you think would be valuable to pass on to aspiring radiographers?

It is a great course to study, and from what I've seen, a very rewarding career path!

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